New Customer Help

To purchase your SWM Course, do the following:
  1. On course page click the blue “purchase” button (scroll down to see on mobile)
  2. Choose “Create a New Account” from window
  3. After an immediate registration, you’ll be brought back to the previous screen
  4. Select “purchase” again; review the summary of the cost
  5. After selecting “purchase” a final time, your be directed to PayPal for payment
  6. Upon completing your PayPal purchase, you’ll be directed back to a receipt; scroll to the bottom to get the course link—that’s it

Returning Customer Help

After you’ve purchased your course, do the following to find it again:

  1. Click the “SWM Login” button on menu. If you’re not directed to your course, go to next step
  2. Under (Your Name)’s Account, select “Your Classes

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